Details of our move from Texas to Minnesota. Stay tuned for details on how our family is adjusting to life "up north".
My family

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Rangers come to town!
When we heard the TX Rangers were playing the MN Twins, we couldn't wait to see the match-up. It was such a beautiful day and Target Field was fantastic! Located in the center of downtown Minneapolis, it was really cool to sit in our stands and see the skyscrapers just outside the stadium. The Twins get their name from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. This billboard in in center field and shows the "cities" separated by the Mississippi River coming together......old school style!
Of course, we had to show our Ranger pride! There is no rooting for the home team in the Richardson household. This is Delanie's new tshirt. She loves wearing it.
Me and my guy...
Delanie and her guy....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Mom & Mike Babcock
At the last Red Wings game, Jim's brother took Mom, Ann Marie & Carol down into the locker room to chat with the players. When the coach - Mike Babcock - came in, Denny asked if he would take a picture with Mom. He walked straight over to Mom and said, " name is Mike." Can you image.....the coach of the Red Wings talking to you face to face??? It's like Detroit's version of a movie star! Mom casually replied, " name is Ruth." Isn't this a great picture? They look like old friends! :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
Peace, love & crabs
While in Texas, I had to eat at Joe's Crab Shack! There are no Joe's in Minnesota and I had been craving crab legs forever. was really worth the wait! The whole gang met up and the fun started. I have never understood why people get louder and louder as they drink more and more but that's exactly what happened with us. Thankfully, our table was at the back of the restaurant so we didn't cause too much of a disruption.
Everyone posed for pictures so sweetly.......until the booze started flowing. Then all hell broke loose! Denise loudly proclaimed that she loved "Crow's Jab Shack"! We laughed so hard that several of us had to make a quick trip to the bathroom.
Usually, you can count on seeing the waiters dance once or twice during your dinner. Evidently - since I've been gone - they passed a new rule that the wait staff would only dance if requested. As soon as we found that out, we were all over our waiter to get the music going. As you can see from the picture sisters and Denise were not shy about showing off their moves. Take note that Tracey still has on her bib from dinner. :)
The four musketeers.......can you tell by our rosie cheeks that we had way too much to drink?!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
MS Walk 2012
We walk because we can! That's the slogan for the Multiple Sclerosis Walk 2012. There has never been a truer statement. Charlene was diagnosed with MS at 28 and has been bravely battling the disease since then. Team Bea grows every year and we celebrate the fact that Charlene can again participate in this incredible event. I'm so proud of Bea.....she has some pretty rough days but faces each one with a bravery like none I've ever seen.
The 5k walk takes it's toll on Charlene but she's always got a smile on her face. This is her and Bill at the beginning of the walk. We wore headbands with bumble-bee antennae to represent our "bee". :)
Delanie on the way to the walk. She and Garrett were visiting for Spring Break and got their "Texas fix" for an entire week......lucky! Lanie has a bumble-bee tattoo on her cheek.
My babies are getting so big!
Mom got to walk with us this year. Last year she was just too sick. This time, we had a plan. Charlene charged up her scooter and Mom left us in the dust. My sweet dad waits for us at the finish line every year. He is our biggest cheerleader!
Victory at the finish line. Way to go, Bea! :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Texas Bluebonnets
I timed my visit to Texas perfectly this year! The bluebonnets were in full bloom. Since Texans only get to see them a few weeks out of each year, I considered my self lucky. Aren't they breathtaking?!
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