Details of our move from Texas to Minnesota. Stay tuned for details on how our family is adjusting to life "up north".
My family

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Flashback Friday
Happy Friday......and Merry Christmas!! :)
Every year, I try to get a family photo to use for our Christmas cards. With four very different personalities, two different states and one very OCD mother, it ends up badly every single year.
I've decided - with a lot of urging on Jim's part - to let it go this year. (Insert big sigh here.) Yep, you heard it here first.....I vow to stop stressing myself out and put my camera away. As they say, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Hahaha! :)
All sarcasm aside, I'm reflecting on a time when I could get a Christmas photo of the kids together without tons of eye-rolling and I could still dress them in whatever I wanted.
Dallas, TX - 2000
Friday, December 19, 2014
Flashback Friday
Happy Friday! :)
Sending out a not-so-subtle-reminder to my duck quack feather-loving friends......are you seeing a pattern here?! My family started exchanging duck selfies (Flat Stanley-style) earlier this year but it's been awhile since I've seen anything.
Time to bust out the birds and post those pictures on Instagram!!
Chick pics - 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Flashback Friday
Happy Friday! :)
I'm reminiscing this week about when the kiddos were young. The bouncer was Delanie's absolute favorite place to be. As you can see below, Garrett liked hanging out there as well. :) This sucker was a life-saver when I was showering, doing dishes, etc. Garrett was big enough to roam the house but I couldn't always count on Delanie to be asleep in her crib. I would stick her in the bouncer and she was happy as a lark.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Being a mommy.....
Being a mommy is discovering strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed. I thank God every day that these two are mine.
Garrett & Delanie at MiMi and PaPa's 50th wedding anniversary celebration - 2008
Friday, December 5, 2014
Flashback Friday
Happy Friday! :)
We are showing Jim some love in this week's Flashback Friday. Check out this HUGE snook he caught several years ago. Seriously......could this guy be any cuter?!
He was fishing with John Ackerman in Stuart, Florida when he reeled this monster in. Proving what a big heart he has, he quickly snapped the photo and released it back into the water. That's my man, folks!! :)
Florida - 1999
Friday, November 21, 2014
Flashback Friday
Happy Friday.......and Happy Anniversary to the Fischers!! :)
I remember this day like it was yesterday. Denise meticulously planned each and every detail of the perfect wedding. Delanie, Bea and I were honored to stand at the altar with her.
Speaking of the altar, the funniest thing happened up there. Ken walked Denise down the aisle and stopped at the base of the stairs where she met Michael. As Denise and Michael started up the stairs to meet the minister, Denise walked right out of one of her shoes!! Because her dress was so elaborate, we had two choices: 1) dig under her petticoats to put her shoe back on in front of a packed church, or 2) pretend it never happened. We chose the second option. I snatched up the shoe and held it during the entire ceremony (along with my bouquet of flowers AND her bouquet of flowers!!). I was so proud of Denise......unless someone saw me carrying that shoe, you would have never known anything was wrong. :)
Speaking of the altar, the funniest thing happened up there. Ken walked Denise down the aisle and stopped at the base of the stairs where she met Michael. As Denise and Michael started up the stairs to meet the minister, Denise walked right out of one of her shoes!! Because her dress was so elaborate, we had two choices: 1) dig under her petticoats to put her shoe back on in front of a packed church, or 2) pretend it never happened. We chose the second option. I snatched up the shoe and held it during the entire ceremony (along with my bouquet of flowers AND her bouquet of flowers!!). I was so proud of Denise......unless someone saw me carrying that shoe, you would have never known anything was wrong. :)
One of the wedding day details included dance lessons for Denise and Michael. Their first dance as a married couple was so incredibly sweet!!
Speaking of dancing, there was no shortage of that during the reception!!!
I absolutely LOVE the picture below. Garrett's goofy grin and Delanie's wide-open smile make me one happy momma! :)
Wishing Denise and Michael best wishes as they celebrate such a happy day.
Dallas, TX - 2009
Monday, November 17, 2014
Never gets old....
We got our first big snowfall last week......almost a foot! I wish these photos did the beauty justice. Let me tell you......the view never gets old. :)
Looks like our fire pit won't get any use for a few months......
Friday, November 14, 2014
Flashback Friday
Happy Friday......and Happy Birthday, Bea!! :)
We are going waaaayyyy back for this Flashback Friday in celebration of our birthday. The Suggs twins - Charlene and Charlotte - in front of the Christmas tree during our Senior year in high school.
I love you long time, Beanie girl!! I'm so lucky to share my birthday with you. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Wild Man
Happy birthday to one of my favorite people in the universe........Wild Bill!! :)
There are a million reasons why I adore this man.....
He is the master caregiver.
He is super cuddly when he's drinking.
He is the baby whisperer.
He gave both of my children their first bath.
He has the most contagious laugh ever.
He gets the whole "twin" thing and just goes with it.
He patiently puts up with me and my quirks......and loves me anyway.
He never complains when I raid his stash of vanilla tootsie rolls.
There are a million reasons why I adore this man.....
He is the master caregiver.
He is super cuddly when he's drinking.
He is the baby whisperer.
He gave both of my children their first bath.
He has the most contagious laugh ever.
He gets the whole "twin" thing and just goes with it.
He patiently puts up with me and my quirks......and loves me anyway.
He never complains when I raid his stash of vanilla tootsie rolls.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Go big or go home! (Part 2)
When Jim decided to have the deck built, he gave the thumbs up for some backyard landscaping too!! One of the big things I love about Minnesota is the weather in the Spring and Fall. It's perfect for cuddling up around an outside firepit. When we first moved here, Delanie was invited to a bonfire at a friend's house. Immediately I'm picturing the huge Texas A&M bonfire where they burn telephone poles instead of wood.......yep, that big! It turned out to be a firepit the friend had in the back yard. Minnesota's version of a bonfire. :)
So here is the landscaping plan.... Lots of stone, pavers, boulders, plants and a firepit.
I'm usually really good about taking a drawing like the one above and painting a picture in my head. Not this time! When I came home from work the first day, I had to pick my jaw up off the ground.
Before - The blank slate.
Day 1 - Prepping the backyard for landscape.
Day 2 - When I arrived home, this was parked on the side of my house.
These guys don't mess around!
Day 2 (still!) - The tiny concrete slab outside the back door was removed and the grass dug up to make room for the pavers.
Day 3 - The firepit was dug out, the stone retaining wall installed. That black tube is the drainage pipe for when the firepit fills with snow/water/ice in the winter. It will drain into the pond behind out house.
View of the firepit from the deck....
Day 3 (still!) - The area under the deck was leveled for the pavers and landscaping. I love how they painted the outline of the flower beds.
After much debate, we decided to remove the garden area and take the landscaping all the way up the side of the house. I might be able to stick a tomato plant or two between the bushes. :)
Day 4 - Pavers are delivered and installation begins.
(I love the color and random pattern of the pavers!)
Day 4 (still!) - The steps leading to the firepit are installed, the retaining wall is finished and the firepit is complete.
Day 4 (still!) - Our poor wimpy river birch finally got some attention.
This thing had been growing out of control. Looks much better now!
Day 5 - Pavers on the patio and fire pit are complete. Drainage tiles complete.
Flower beds are starting to take shape.
Day 6 - Landscaping goes in!! Man, what a difference this makes. :) I love where everything was placed. Even though we are on a corner lot, we will have tons of privacy!
Day 7 - Landscaping is almost complete. Just need to add a few more lights so that everything stands out at night.
The view up the side of the house.....
The firepit. Goodness gracious......this thing is stunning!!! :)
The view standing at the edge of the pond looking back at the house. OOOOMMMMMGGGG!! :)
Day 8 - Finally finished!!
I can't wait to break this bad boy in!! The forecast shows snow flurries next week so it looks like we finished just in time!! :)
At the last minute, we changed out the lighting in the front of the house. I love love love the way these up-lights look on the columns.
The only thing left to do is sit back and enjoy!! :)
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