Happy Friday!!
We are planning a Bryant family reunion next year (details/posts to follow) and it got me thinking of family vacations of days gone by. I can't believe it's been almost fifteen years since we took a family trip together. This one was a blast!!
Having had enough of the Texas heat, we packed up and headed to Angel Fire, NM.
The Hairgroves..........

The funniest thing I have ever seen in my life happened to Tracey during this trip. We were all headed down the mountain when Tracey fell about half-way down. Somehow she ended up face-first all the way down the mountain!! When she got to the bottom, snow was packed into the front of her shirt. OMG......we all laughed so hard we almost wet our pants!! :)

Me and Garrett.......
The three amigos.......
Charlene must have been the one taking the photos. Pictures of her are suspiciously absent from my stash! :)
Angelfire, NM - 2000
Remember when Charlene was airborn on her snow mobile and Bills snow mobile ended up I'm a snow filled ditch and we had to dig it out? That was so much fun and I loved being all together and I still do.