My family

My family

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Challenge: Lottery

Blog Challenge - Day 14

Half-way through the challenge!  Are you tired of reading that random-ness that is my life?! 😉

Carry on.....

If I won the lottery, I would buy Jim a few acres of waterfront property on Gull Lake with a bad ass fishing boat.  

There would be room for a guest house for Bill and Charlene to spend the Summers in Minnesota. 

 This is what our evenings would look like.....

I'd take Delanie to Paris then buy her a flat in either New York City or San Francisco.  

I would buy Tracey & Doug a home in Cozumel.

I would hire the best doctors in the world to treat Charlene's MS.  

I would buy Garrett & Maci a house close to Jim and I on the lake.  Jim and Garrett could start a fishing guide service so they had an excuse to be on the water every day.

I would open a boutique that only sold items that gave back to the community.

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