My family

My family

Monday, June 5, 2017

Life Lately

Life around here lately has been CUH-RAZY!!

Spring in Minnesota means baby goslings.  I love love love watching these families as the babies grow.  We have three goose families that frequent the pond behind our house.  

Delanie's Senior activities have us running to the high school every other day.  She performed in the "pit" for this year's Center Stage production.  

On closing night, the Senior parents put on a show for the kids.  We sang songs with lyrics made up just for the kiddos and had a ball!  We were all holding emoji posters (see my rebel husband below).  What a fun night!

I've been working like a fiend on my Etsy shop (updates coming soon!).  Every time I sit down, I'm sketching designs, painting signs, updating social media......blah blah blah.

I never want to throw my design sketches away so I decided to make post cards out of them!  These babies will be headed to USO soldiers, families in need......anyone in need of some love.

We will have a FULL HOUSE starting next week so Jim and I have been maniacs about getting the house ready.  

Sweet Jimbo power-washed all week, stained the front porch, resurfaced the driveway......and a million more chores.  That guy is a keeper!

In true Type-A fashion, I have a calendar of chores that need to be done each and every day.  Highlights = Done!

Last but never least......Garrett and Maci adopted a new dog!!!  Her name is Skye and she is absolutely gorgeous!!  I can't wait to kiss her face off!!

Well friends, that's life lately at the Richardson house!

Stay tuned for details from the big family weekend coming up.  ðŸ’œ

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