My family

My family

Monday, April 10, 2017

MS Walk 2017

Y'all!  I just spend the funnest weekend in Texas!! 😋

Flying into DFW, it was so wonderful to feel that warm sunshine!!

As usual, Charlene had flowers waiting beside my bed.  They are packing the house up to move but this sweetie still thought to brighten up the guest my room with my favorite flower.  

Then there's this sweetie!  I texted Lauren that I was starving after we landed so she had Spring Creek BBQ ready and waiting!!  

Once all the hugging, kissing and eating were done, it was time to unveil this year's t-shirt design.  This was the second year that I brought matching t-shirts for our girls' night out.  

Lauren and I pick the design each year and surprise Charlene with it.  Last year's design said "oh what a beautiful mess".  

This year's design said "she believed she could so she did".  

We thought that described her perfectly!  ğŸ’™

I've been really missing Bailey lately so it was reallllly good to get some loving from Bea's dog, Chloe.  Gosh.....this is the sweetest dog ever.  

A few short hours after we called it a night, we made the drive to Trinity Park in downtown Fort Worth for the MS Walk.  

I've said it before but my baby sister is a complete bad ass!  Here she is showing MS who's boss.  

As usual, there were tons of people at the walk.  The announcer said that, so far this year, the walks had raised $1 billion (with a B)!  ğŸ’ª

There is no shortage of inspiration at the walk.  There are people walking with canes (like Charlene), people in wheelchairs, people being literally held up by family members......people in all stages of this horrendous disease.  

If your team doesn't have a t-shirt or logo, you can pick up a shirt tag that shows who you are walking for.  This little tyke was on his dad's shoulders rooting for his mama.  Cute, right??

My hero..........!! 😇

Another year of kicking the stuffing out of MS is on the books!  

So proud of you Bea!! 💛

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