My family

My family

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Texas - round two

Check out Bill & Charlene's dog, Chloe......

She is the sweetest thing!  She loves cuddling.  She will crawl up on the couch and sit right on top of you.  

How cute is this......she's keeping my feet warm! 💙

Even Maci got in on the action.  ğŸ˜Š

We woke up Sunday morning to a true Texas thunderstorm.  I love thunderstorms!  The pounding rain, the cracks of thunder and lightning.....especially at night......bring it on!

We get rain in Minnesota but it doesn't even compare to Texas.  In this case, everything is indeed bigger in Texas.

We finally got out of our pajamas about 3pm and headed to On The Border for dinner.  Tex Mex food is one of my favorites and I needed a fix.  Fajitas for the win!

The newly engaged cuties!

The girls wore our squad shirts.  We had an extra so we talked Garrett into joining the team.  

The whole gang is here....

We headed to the mall to see "Life" at the theater.

Y'all know that I do NOT like scary movies.  This one isn't scary but it is definitely suspenseful.  It's about a team of astronauts that bring an alien back to Earth.

To put it mildly, I was a little on edge after movie.  OK, honestly, I was freaked out.  After the movie, everyone was waiting for me outside the restroom.  I walked out and this kid started running down the hall behind me.  All I could hear was the pounding of his feet and I lost it!  I thought the alien was after me.  

Garrett was about 6 feet in front of me and I ran to him like my ass was on fire.  I was trying to get behind him so he could protect me.  How's that for a maternal instinct.....ha!  On my way towards Garrett, I knocked Charlene against the wall.  Seriously......she was IN MY WAY!

When we got home, we FaceTime'd with Jim and she was telling him all about it.  I'm not sure who was laughing harder.....him or us.  

This is a close-up of the screen shot.  We were laughing so hard that I might have wet myself a little.  ğŸ˜œ

It wasn't long before Jim gave us the signal above.......out of Crown, gotta go!

The next day, we piled into my rental car and headed to Rockwall.  There is the CUTEST craft mall there and I wanted to check it out.  Rockwall is about an hour from Charlene's house so there was tons of laughing, dancing, singing, laughing and more laughing on the way.  

This was the scene in my rear view mirror on the way back.  Charlene was PASSED OUT in the backseat!!

All in all, it was a terrific weekend!  Can't wait for the whole crazy family to come to Minnesota for Delanie's graduation in June!  

We may need to stock up on Crown for Jim.  


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